Windscreen washer warning on but bottle full


We've got a 2017 ex AA T6 startline van with no options except A/C.
A few weeks ago the windscreen washer level warning light came on so I topped up the washer level but it stayed on.
Reading around the interweb it seems that the windscreen washer level isn't active on the startline vans so what can be causing this?
My Carista doesn't show any DTC associated with this but thinking back it did show up just after I'd activated some of the Carista "tweaks" like DRL off when engine stopped and a couple of other minor options like that.

Anyone got any suggestions that I can try?

Its a coding error, it will need to be fixed by deactivating that option in module 17 (cluster)
Thanks Pauly, I suspected that.
I wonder if just undoing the Carista basic option changes I did will sort it?
If not, can it be done with Carista or do I need to borrow something more comprehensive?
I accidentally ticked the washer bottle box on carista the other week while playing around and the light came on the dashboard when I knew the washer bottle was full so unclicked and returned to normal