Where Have You Been In Your Van Today?

Did you get an extra pole? Mine only came with 3

So far I've only used mine as a sun shade once or twice - will be interested how well you find it works in some wet stuff
I actually bought the Debus used from Jack T on here - It did come with poles but I'm sorry but I can't remember how many as I already had 4 better ones - the others are in the loft and I've never used them (if you was closer to me, you would be welcome to come and get one). It peed down most of yesterday afternoon and not a drop got through even though at one point I had the push up on a gathering pool (but that's down to me and after I adjusted it by taking the pole out of one corner thus lowering it, it was AOK again). I keep getting the itch to buy some carbon fibre poles but as they would probably cost as much as the Debus and Kiravans awnings did put together, my rear end keeps puckering up every time I get near the 'checkout' button.
PS. In terms of usage and adaptability, I think I prefer the Kiravans but the Debus is easier and quicker to get up particularly if you know it's not going to rain. My inention would always be to take both with us and mix and match - luckily they both fit in the Debus bag along with the 4 poles, the two DIY side walls and a selection of guy lines in different lengths.
I actually bought the Debus used from Jack T on here - It did come with poles but I'm sorry but I can't remember how many as I already had 4 better ones - the others are in the loft and I've never used them
I must admit when we've used it I've often used the 2 very serious wooden awning poles from our 15th century Burgundian tent, not practical for long trips though as they don't split down!
