So, first off, my main van battery was changed under warranty at the end of last year as the moll was faulty. So the battery fitted now is only a few months old and a varta I believe.
I came to start the van last week and it was flat, dead as a dodo.
Called out vw assist and he said it's because its been stood and had only done some very short journeys previous to that (ie. 1.5 mile nipping to the shops etc). Now the van had only stood for maybe 10 days max, surely it should last longer than that?
Anyway, we charged it for a little while then left it running for an hour. I've since used it on a trip to work 2 days ago (c. 50 mile round trip) and the voltage this morn is 11.6v, does that sound correct? Even after the run to work it dropped quite quickly whilst on shift to 11.8v, is that the max it puts in to it due to the smart alternator?
Anyway, what worries me is when we (finally) go away in it is that I'll end up with a dead van battery (it's fully converted with leisure battery, c-tek b2b charger and victron 240v charger for when on hook up)?
Is there anyway I can get either the victron to charge the van battery whilst on hook up, or (possibly) a solar panel to the c-tek to charge both the leisure and van batteries at the same time?
Any help and/or advice greatly appreciated.
I came to start the van last week and it was flat, dead as a dodo.
Called out vw assist and he said it's because its been stood and had only done some very short journeys previous to that (ie. 1.5 mile nipping to the shops etc). Now the van had only stood for maybe 10 days max, surely it should last longer than that?
Anyway, we charged it for a little while then left it running for an hour. I've since used it on a trip to work 2 days ago (c. 50 mile round trip) and the voltage this morn is 11.6v, does that sound correct? Even after the run to work it dropped quite quickly whilst on shift to 11.8v, is that the max it puts in to it due to the smart alternator?
Anyway, what worries me is when we (finally) go away in it is that I'll end up with a dead van battery (it's fully converted with leisure battery, c-tek b2b charger and victron 240v charger for when on hook up)?
Is there anyway I can get either the victron to charge the van battery whilst on hook up, or (possibly) a solar panel to the c-tek to charge both the leisure and van batteries at the same time?
Any help and/or advice greatly appreciated.