T6 Won’t start. Error ACC & Brakes message


New Member
Hi All, grateful for some help please. T6 California Ocean 2019: struggled to start. Hadn’t been used for a month or so. I Assumed battery flat - charged up. Fired once then immediately cut out. Now won’t even turn. Battery reading 12.5V. Get an ACC error message and then an Error Brakes message - Workshop! Message when I attempt to start. Has done 12k miles. Also remotes won’t lock/unlock the doors. Any tips welcome?
What is the battery voltage when you have the ignition on, before you try to start.
And what is the battery voltage if you then turn the headlights on (again before you try to start) ?
It does sound a knackered battery throwing up all sorts of errors.

Hi Pete. Many thanks. With ignition on voltage drops between 11.9 to 12.1. Headlights don’t actually come on but voltage doesn’t change when switched on.
Your battery is definitely on the way out, or it needs more charge. What did you charge it with and for how long ?

11.9 is dead sounds like the battery isnt holding any charge
2019 makes you batt 4 years old so nearing the end of its life anyway, i tend to change mine around 5 years old 6 at the absolute max
get it replaced with a new fully charged unit and hopefully your good to go