Sliding door not latching


New Member
The sliding door doesn’t latch when the door is opened. The latch strikes the pin but seems to bounce back over rather than latch. It feels like the door needs adjusting outwards a bit to stop this happening but I wondered if anyone has any ideas or advice what to do? Thanks

Bit of lube on it? Does the latch move when you pull the handle?
I had the same issue a couple of years ago and VW assist came out and changed parts of the locking mechanism which seemed to sort it out until it happened again 6 months later. Second time after repeatedly trying to get it to latch shut, I started fiddling about with the inside door locking button thing and the inside handle which seemed to rest everything and it worked again. Roll forward another 10 months and it happened again when we were in France. That time, all I did was press down the locking button pull the inside handle as if to open and all was OK again. Several things emerge from my particular case. 1. That VW Assist already had parts on board tells you that it's a problem that comes up quite a lot (which is not unusual for VW) but they still didn't seem to have a handle on the root cause. 2. The very first time it happened, I could probably have sorted it myself as I did on subsequent occasions. 3. In my case anyway, I don't think it was anything to do with the door dropping.
Hope this helps.
I had a similar issue where the door would just bounce back off the latch. It turned out to be a faulty locking mechanism in the sliding door and a was replaced under warranty.
A common fault i am lead to believe.
Hi yes, the latch moves ok when I pull the handle it just doesn’t seem to hook sufficiently to stay on 1st time
Hi. My 2017 is doing the same thing, bouncing off the open roller catch. Bloody thing catches me on the shoulder multiple times a day!
Did you manage to resolve it??
I've posted on this several times and had a couple of people confirming that my fix works. Indeed, I've just got home from a long trip to France and only last week the door failed to close properly and 'bounced back' when I closed it. Again, all I did was pull on the indoor handle twice (ie. as if opening the door from the inside) and hey presto, back to normal again. @Adscan - as I said in my earlier post, VW Assist also changed a part of the locking mechanism and the problem was sorted for a while but came back after about 6 months - every time since, I've used the interior handle hack. TBH, I'm not sure that VW know what they're doing half the time!