Show us yer last VW van

The Cali Beach was my 5th Transporter, my 1st was a 3 year old 55 plate with 130k miles on the clock. The excitement was soon lost spending over £1500 plus vat on silly basic stuff within 6 months.

This was one of the 1st T5.1 Gp in March 2010, kept it for nearly 5 years sold it on Ebay within 15 mins to a Polish guy for good money.

The Sportline kit was fitted by Oli at BognorMotors after a cyclist rode off the pavement in front of the van, luckily he survived and it was his fault.

This followed 9 months later for the wife to drive, 180 Velle exec dsg, kept it for 5 years and sold to my bro in law.


My current work Kombi 180 dsg converted to Caravelle seating, but now getting used purely as a van, really needs to go just need to sort out and order a van.


The current family bus and used as a 3rd vehicle only.


A 3rd vehicle only?
Ours is a first, second or third depending on where it's parked on the driveway.
You might upset yours if it think it's only third.
Can I join in?

Didn't have a Transporter but I had a Amarok, shitty lump of crap!

This was the day I got it before the adaptions started.


Did a fiar bit of towing with it and it wasn't a bad tractor, as long as you didn't have to go far.

The 19's with Conti Cross contacts didn't like wet mud down on the marsh so it was dragged out with the old mans D Max. My daughter still hates me driving down there and gets quite upset about driving down there.

Putting the Canadian on the roof was a bit of a mission but the light bar came in handy.

But it had to go and this just about sums up the 9 months of ownership, with it leaving my yard for the last time. UNADJUSTEDNONRAW_thumb_2879.jpg
Here's the current/old beast until march 1st... currently in the garage having a new gearbox fitted! Guy was on a second test drive cash in pocket ready to buy and we didn't get out of the car park, think it's trying to punish me for moving on, had no problems in 7 years ownership before that point

This is my favourite picture of my last-but-one dub, an Autosleeper 'Topaz' :)

and a closer one:


and before that, an Autosleeper 'Trophy':


Wonder where they are now?

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BBAB30B1-155F-49E3-BA2F-789969A76BD3.jpeg My old 2004 T5, 1.9PD, it proved to be a very reliable van during the 90k I did in it!
My last VW van was so long ago, I didn't have any pictures on my phone and had to take a shot of a photo on my wall.
1971 Bay window, low rear indicator and small rear light version. My wife and I had this for several years, and had some amazing holidays in the bus, including one we often talk about where it kept breaking down in the Alps, and after days of trying to fix it, and changing parts, we finally found a huge Wasp/Hornet jammed in the fuel line just before the mechanical pump, which was the cause of days of hassle.
We actually used this for our wedding vehicle, and the Blue one next to it is my Fathers, which we also used as a wedding car, they looked amazing back then and it seemed no one had used anything like it for a wedding.
I loved that camper.
