Recall: 'quality improvement program'

I've noticed the same.......I now spend much more time in 5th (150 kombi manual) as opposed to 6th. I have a long dead straight stretch of road near me......several times I've changed between 5th and 6th and noticed that at lower revs, 6th uses more juice. Hardly scientific but it's got me thinking about the way I drive.......I'm definitely more inclined to let the engine spin more freely these days.

I think what he is saying is not that he leaves it at higher revs but that he accelerates harder to the speed he wants to travel. This actually in my opinion why you can improve MPG with a remapped car if driven sensibly, the quicker you can hit your cruising speed the sooner you can acheive optimum mpg. Slowly accelerating can drop an efficient cars mpg into the low 20's and sometimes even lower.
I think what he is saying is not that he leaves it at higher revs but that he accelerates harder to the speed he wants to travel. This actually in my opinion why you can improve MPG with a remapped car if driven sensibly, the quicker you can hit your cruising speed the sooner you can acheive optimum mpg. Slowly accelerating can drop an efficient cars mpg into the low 20's and sometimes even lower.
I maybe didn't explain myself fully.....but yes, I also aim to accelerate a little harder than I used to.....but also try to avoid labouring the engine.