Rear headlights not working


New Member
Hi all. First of all, let me say thanks to all the posters who have already tried to help with this situation on other forums!! Due to the info already received, we have managed to fix 1 light already, the other is becoming a serious pain in the arse!!!!

There is a bulb warning light on the dash. This appeared yesterday during driving. Looking at the back of the van, no rear headlights were working. The brake lights were fine as were all other lights (indicators, fog etc.) We have played with fuses (lost loads as they dropped down under the carpet - what a crap design that is) all have been replaced by the correct rating fuses. By doing this, one set of lights (drivers side) work fine now.

The bulbs all appear fine as we have switched all 3 bulbs (1 at a time) from the working right hand side to the not working left hand side. All this has succeeded in doing is get me more annoyed!! The right hand always works.......the left hand side doesn't!!!

Oh, and the warning light is STILL on the dashboard!!!

Anybody got any ideas that may assist with my predicament????

Enjoy your weekend!!