Random Question (solar Panels And Wildlife Parks).


T6 Guru

Very random so not sure where to put this. It sounds like a very stupid question but I am being serious (I worry about everything, and I mean everything).

Below is a picture of my husband's car (when we got attacked by monkeys in a wildlife park) and the second one is a picture of our new solar panel thing.
Is there a risk of the monkeys eating our solar panel cables too?? Anyone had any experiences (good or bad) with this??
Is there any way to protect the solar panel box thing?? I really like Wildlife Parks but my husband is now refusing to take our van in just in case it gets damaged.

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don't do it
the monkeys look at it as a challenge furry little fookers
i had a capri many many moons ago with a lovely black vinyl roof they destroyed it much to the amusement of my kids
anything they can trash they will
Thanks for the replies. Disappointing news but a small price to pay in order to "wild camp" with no hookup.
I can't think what would be worse, parking in a supermarket carpark or going through a wildlife park :unsure: