This question puts me at risk of seeming stupid or at least of being naive with an overactive imagination.
At some time, hopefully, not this year, when I need to change my AGM leisure battery, I’ll get a lithium one. Its lightness and portability is worth the extra expense. 200w of solar power on the roof keeps my present battery topped up enough for many dark hours of TV, charging and running the fridge, specially if it’s been sunny. What I don’t like though, is the immovable nature of the battery. The compartment is under the fridge, only 11” high and full of battery, inverter, buzz bar, big fuse and shunt. I have a rear galley opposite so less than a foot of floor space to work in. Disconnecting everything including the sensors and inverter is a pain, literally, as I’m squashed in a very tight space. However the awkwardness and sheer effort of lifting and removing 22kgs out of it’s restraints in such a confined space is becoming very difficult as I get older and weaker.
Probably like most other people I’ve been watching with interest the evolution of portable power stations. I have no spare space in my SWB T6 so cannot justify buying one as a useful indulgence. I’ve been wondering though…could I, when the time comes, replace my regular AGM with a power station? My Renogy 50a DC to DC charger and MPPT unit can be changed to work with lithium and assuming the actual charging connections can be adapted, is it possible to replace the present AGM battery with a correct sized power station with the same Ah? This would not only have all the usual plug ins for Dc input and output but could replace my separate inverter. All connections in one place.
The biggest advantage for me though is portability. If the right sized generator/battery can be substituted and is easily removable, when necessary, its manoeuvrability would be life changing. To my back and temperament.
At some time, hopefully, not this year, when I need to change my AGM leisure battery, I’ll get a lithium one. Its lightness and portability is worth the extra expense. 200w of solar power on the roof keeps my present battery topped up enough for many dark hours of TV, charging and running the fridge, specially if it’s been sunny. What I don’t like though, is the immovable nature of the battery. The compartment is under the fridge, only 11” high and full of battery, inverter, buzz bar, big fuse and shunt. I have a rear galley opposite so less than a foot of floor space to work in. Disconnecting everything including the sensors and inverter is a pain, literally, as I’m squashed in a very tight space. However the awkwardness and sheer effort of lifting and removing 22kgs out of it’s restraints in such a confined space is becoming very difficult as I get older and weaker.
Probably like most other people I’ve been watching with interest the evolution of portable power stations. I have no spare space in my SWB T6 so cannot justify buying one as a useful indulgence. I’ve been wondering though…could I, when the time comes, replace my regular AGM with a power station? My Renogy 50a DC to DC charger and MPPT unit can be changed to work with lithium and assuming the actual charging connections can be adapted, is it possible to replace the present AGM battery with a correct sized power station with the same Ah? This would not only have all the usual plug ins for Dc input and output but could replace my separate inverter. All connections in one place.
The biggest advantage for me though is portability. If the right sized generator/battery can be substituted and is easily removable, when necessary, its manoeuvrability would be life changing. To my back and temperament.
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