Oem Insulation Adhesive


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Wtf removes this stuff?


Above is how they look before peeling but once most of the fluff is removed there is tons of adhesive left and nothing seems to remove it.

Acetone, alcohol, soapy water all do nothing. Do I need a chlorinated solvent or something??
I used a plumbing torch very briefly waved over it and all the fluff disappears rather instantly, good enough to stick sound deadening over
The problem with this stuff is that you are on the reverse of the outer door skin so you dont want to mess around too much and risk rippling the panel as you would see it from the outside !
Have you tried brake cleaner and elbow grease?

Wd40 has been known to break down some glues.?

And maybe good old white spirit?
Elbow grease is hard to apply behind the panel, not much room to move your hand.

Like I said I've tried Acetone, alcohol mixture and aqueous. I've got some dichloromethane, might try that but the stuff is murder to many plastics.
I'll try the torch..

Going over it isn't going to work with silentcoat.

Just thought that someone must have removed this stuff.
I had a go but it seemed pretty stubborn and I couldn’t be arsed so just set fire to it !
Pull the fluffy stuff off as much as you can, a lot of the adhesive came away with mine when I did that then it is a case of WD40 an old credit card or similar piece of plastic and some good old fashioned elbow grease, that got rid of mine. You can use a heat gun but make sure you don't leave it on too long, pretty sure if you cock it up with one of them any damage won't be covered under warranty!
Goo Gone, you can find it on Amazon, amazing stuff.

I can confirm that goo gone works a treat on this.

Peel off the foam as much as possible
Spray on some Goo Gone to the residual foam backing & leave to soak for a minute or 2
Scrape off the foam backing with a credit card

It leaves a gummy residue behind which needs clearing up (scrape it up) and I think the surface will need a rub over with acetone / alcohol before silent coat but the residue is effectively gone.

Not a quick job all in all but possible. Thanks for the tip @Scruffy.
Be aware that acetone is likely to remove your paint, if you can get it use petroleum ether, as effective as acetone but doesn't touch the paint