As others have noted, these modern vehicles don't like not getting used! And the battery manages to discharge over a few weeks. Well, ours was utterly discharged having not been used for 3 weeks, and is now showing low voltage after only standing a week, and this after being charged and then a nice run. It's a Varta, and was new 3 years ago curtosy of the original Moll being one of the "faulty ones" and replaced by VW under warranty. I accept that it's almost certainly been damaged as a result of not being used, but are there any thoughts / tricks to try before biting the bullet and just having to replace it?
On that note, what recommendations do the assembled throng of experts have for a replacement? Clearly, capacity is a Good Thing, but also resilience to irregular use.
On that note, what recommendations do the assembled throng of experts have for a replacement? Clearly, capacity is a Good Thing, but also resilience to irregular use.