Is Tracking for 4Motion different to 2WD?


New Member
The front passenge tyre is waring on the outside .
I took it in for Tracking locally and the mashine showed all was ok ?
I spoke today whith friend and he tells me , as my van is 4 wheel drive I need a special 4 wheel Alignment Tracking done.
Is this correct ?
My T28, has been converted into Camper, and hopefully it is not something other than wheel alingment .
4 wheel alignment is better, I would guess the geometry is different from 2-4 wd.
Did the garage know the 4wd front specifications as they may have checked against the wrong vehicle type?
I here you.
Iv been told the gaurage machine does 4 wheel alignment, so perhaps as you say, they have programed the wrong spec into the computer.
I will phone them up tmrw, and ask them if this could off been the prob, and theyve not set it as a 4 motion set up.