M markt6uk Member T6 Pro 8 Feb 2023 #1 i read some where on here some one got the wrong size fuse tap, was to short or something, but cant find the post again would be be ok? https://www.amazon.co.uk/CZC-AUTO-circuit-Electronic-Vehicles/dp/B08T8ZCR9Z/ref=sr_1_4?crid=1WAJ1XU14KQY3&keywords=Mini+Fuse+TAP&qid=1675866840&s=automotive&sprefix=mini+fuse+tap%2Cautomotive%2C135&sr=1-4
i read some where on here some one got the wrong size fuse tap, was to short or something, but cant find the post again would be be ok? https://www.amazon.co.uk/CZC-AUTO-circuit-Electronic-Vehicles/dp/B08T8ZCR9Z/ref=sr_1_4?crid=1WAJ1XU14KQY3&keywords=Mini+Fuse+TAP&qid=1675866840&s=automotive&sprefix=mini+fuse+tap%2Cautomotive%2C135&sr=1-4
Deaky Life’s too short to drink shite beer VCDS User Moderator VIP Member T6 Legend 8 Feb 2023 #2 markt6uk said: i read some where on here some one got the wrong size fuse tap, was to short or something, but cant find the post again would be be ok? https://www.amazon.co.uk/CZC-AUTO-circuit-Electronic-Vehicles/dp/B08T8ZCR9Z/ref=sr_1_4?crid=1WAJ1XU14KQY3&keywords=Mini+Fuse+TAP&qid=1675866840&s=automotive&sprefix=mini+fuse+tap%2Cautomotive%2C135&sr=1-4 Click to expand... They'd be ok for the smaller fuses or this for the larger ones https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08JGY1DS2/ref=sspa_dk_detail_4?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B08JGY1DS2&pd_rd_w=toONf&content-id=amzn1.sym.15c0cc83-c6c5-4d44-aa3d-0de17a9f3682&pf_rd_p=15c0cc83-c6c5-4d44-aa3d-0de17a9f3682&pf_rd_r=XNC23G3W8FT1SJP0DZVA&pd_rd_wg=FOAVS&pd_rd_r=96c7b105-ec4d-49e2-af0b-ad9c1c215bfe&s=automotive&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWw
markt6uk said: i read some where on here some one got the wrong size fuse tap, was to short or something, but cant find the post again would be be ok? https://www.amazon.co.uk/CZC-AUTO-circuit-Electronic-Vehicles/dp/B08T8ZCR9Z/ref=sr_1_4?crid=1WAJ1XU14KQY3&keywords=Mini+Fuse+TAP&qid=1675866840&s=automotive&sprefix=mini+fuse+tap%2Cautomotive%2C135&sr=1-4 Click to expand... They'd be ok for the smaller fuses or this for the larger ones https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08JGY1DS2/ref=sspa_dk_detail_4?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B08JGY1DS2&pd_rd_w=toONf&content-id=amzn1.sym.15c0cc83-c6c5-4d44-aa3d-0de17a9f3682&pf_rd_p=15c0cc83-c6c5-4d44-aa3d-0de17a9f3682&pf_rd_r=XNC23G3W8FT1SJP0DZVA&pd_rd_wg=FOAVS&pd_rd_r=96c7b105-ec4d-49e2-af0b-ad9c1c215bfe&s=automotive&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWw
Deaky Life’s too short to drink shite beer VCDS User Moderator VIP Member T6 Legend 8 Feb 2023 #4 markt6uk said: that the standard ones (not the small)? Click to expand... Small will do the small fuses in the upper part of the fuse box, standard will do the larger ones in the lower part.
markt6uk said: that the standard ones (not the small)? Click to expand... Small will do the small fuses in the upper part of the fuse box, standard will do the larger ones in the lower part.