That’s a fairly basic spec for a high line van, not much in the way of factory options, but then it’s had a fair bit of aftermarket work.
The ABT front end, gloss black plastics, wheels, coil overs (but which ones?), leather seats, lined interior and bed all add value if that’s what you’re after. No mention of sound deadening or insulation under the carpet though so I would ask about that.
Low mileage, but no mention of service history?
Is it going to be your daily drive or used occasionally? If it’s a daily drive and you’ll drive it in the dark you’ll want to replace the headlights, the standard units are terrible.
Personally I wouldn’t pay that price +VAT though. That would be my max all in price, and then I think it’s at the upper end of the scale.
If you want a van with an ABT front end, the bed and all the other after market options this one has then maybe make an offer? It’s all about if that specific van matches your specific requirements.
You could buy a better spec base van for less and do exactly the mods you want to it and get the perfect van for you for maybe less money, but this one might be perfect for you, only you really know that.
One last thing, it says it’s had a remap, but by who? A bad remap is worse than no remap.