It looks to me like the seller has put the red and blue crimp terminals on the LEDs to indeicate which lead is +12v and 0v.
you can test this by touching them on the battery briefly, they will light if that is correct.
i would not cut off your existing connector as you may need it in future. . . . .
you can connect all the reds and blues together if you wish . . . . hopefully no more than 6 or 8 lights all in?
if you have the 3 wire loom then you have this:
br - (brown) - 639 earth point left a-pilar
br/rt - (brown/red) - B533 connection 1 main harness (BCM switched neg) connects to B129 to B264 to A144 to T73a/4 (J519)
rt/sw - (red/black) - B250 positive connection 1 main harness ( 7.5A fuse 24 holder C) to B323 to T73a/66 to (J519)
if you connect your LEDs Blue to the - brown/red (BCM switched 0v)
if you connect your LEDs Red to the - red/black (BMC timed +12v)
This will give you the same as the existing lights in the rear, ie power when door opened and will stay on till the time-out expires and will switch off.
see this thread for more details :
Led Rear Interior Lights - How I Done It.
Dellmassive`s -- "how I Done It" -- Thread
I have followed this and they are no longer glowing . God knows what I was doing but there is nothing wrong with the led’s purchased from the T6 shop they work great now. Thank you all so much, this forum is helping me out daily!