full height rear quater ply panels

Hello i have a quick question that has probably been answered before but i cant find it anywhere. I have a 2016 T6 Trendline, i am about to start sound deadening insulation and carpeting. I was going to purchase pre cut ply lining with full height rear quarter panels. I have read that only the highline has the fittings for a full height rear quarter panel and looking in the back of the van it looks like that it right. So how have people fitted full height panels? i was going to use hidden fixings from transporter hq, can this still be done or is it best to use self tapping screw to fix it in place?
Thanks James
I used a kit from Plyworx do do this in my panel van seem to remember i had no issue locating the holes to locate the hidden clips in on the body work.
Van is not a Highline. I'll have a look through the build photos and see what i can find for you.
So a quick refresher and here you go. The side panels at the top require a couple of holes drilling carefully (can't stress that bit enough)
If you offer the panel up you'll be able to see where.
The rear if you are tailgate is a bit more tricky and the sliding door is a bit of a fan also. Some people will tell you to do 2 separate panels. However I'm more than happy with the way these turned out.20210402_113456.jpg20210501_210525.jpg20210501_210500.jpg20210502_211616.jpg