Electric help needed

Dave Lawson

Senior Member
T6 Guru
So installed b2b charger (victron) amt12-2 but the ignition live piggy back keeps the engine running after I take the keys out?
Can you send the wiring pic over that you’ve done also I would not use a ignition live I’d go to the bcm for engine run signal instead
You have no control wire linked looks like that you might be back feeding the fuse box from the in feed
Feed in is: starter battery, ignition live and amt trickle.
Feed out is: leisure battery, amt trickle.
Negative is: vehicle chassis and amt trickle.
For best result should have a engine run signal going to the two way green connector no ignition should be in the in as effectively you are feeding the ignition system permanently
So you have joined ignition live to the starter battery positive ?

It will keep running because of this.

What @Niknak said. Your ignition live should not be connected to the starter battery input. It should connect to the H terminal on the green connector.
What @Niknak said. Your ignition live should not be connected to the starter battery input. It should connect to the H terminal on the green connector.
Cheers @Deaky i could not remember off top of my head which terminal so didn’t say didn’t want to get shot down lol
Any links on how to get a feed from bcm? And best way to do that H connection?
On a T6. Pin 3 in the black plug on the BCM will give +12v when the engine is running. It will need coding. Module 09 Byte 17 Bit 04 Battery Seperating Relay active. Set this to 1