Dc-dc Charging


T6 Pro
ok guys. Another dc to dc charging question! My T6 has a voltage sensitive relay to charge the leisure battery a previous owner fitted. Have spotted all the dc- dc charging posts about they aren’t any good for T6 split charge leisure setups. is this the case for all T6 vans? mines a 16 plate euro 5. It has stop start but don’t know if it’s bluemotion!?

Then this leads on to if I need it which one to got for?

Euro5 is the emission standard . . . .

Bluemotion is the VW marketing jargon for fuel efficient.

but Stop/start is where it counts, if you have that, then the chances are extremely high that you have the smart alternator fitted.

smart alternator means that VSR or SCR (relay) is not going to charge the AUX battery very efficiently.

Take a quick look at your starter battery . . . . . . its prob AGM style or EFB+ which another indication.

if the above is true then your prob finding your leisure battery is a bit weak and not charging efficently.

DC-DC charger is the way to go :

Stop/start...regen...smart Alternator... Dc-dc Charger For Leisure Battery Or Not?

Dellmassive`s -- "how I Done It" -- Thread

and have a look @travelvolts solutions to the problem.



the current popular DC-DC chargers are:


solar charging is also becoming much more popular and can be integrated into the DC-DC charger for future proofing.
