On a recent camping trip I suspected my solar wasn't charging the leisure battery. Today I think I've sussed why.
Using a multimeter, I can see the input voltage from the solar panel is 20v. The output is from the CTEK is 12v and the battery is 13v. I deduce therefore that the CTEK output voltage is insufficient to charge the battery. I believe the CTEK output should be around 14v. The BMV also confirms a zero amps charge with all other loads switched off.
Is there any reason the CTEK output voltage is only 12v?
When being charged through the CTEK via the alternator I can see from the BMV it's getting a charge of 18 amps.
Using a multimeter, I can see the input voltage from the solar panel is 20v. The output is from the CTEK is 12v and the battery is 13v. I deduce therefore that the CTEK output voltage is insufficient to charge the battery. I believe the CTEK output should be around 14v. The BMV also confirms a zero amps charge with all other loads switched off.
Is there any reason the CTEK output voltage is only 12v?
When being charged through the CTEK via the alternator I can see from the BMV it's getting a charge of 18 amps.