Crank pulley not spinning exactly on axis. Slightly off?


VIP Member
T6 Pro
Hi all,

Is it bad to see your crank pulley slightly off centre when spinning? It’s only slightly but definitely not central and on axis?

Pulley worn or Vw didn’t out it back properly? At worst bent crank

got a video clip to see what we are talking about?
Cast metal or pressed metal pulley? If pressed then more likely the metal deformed than the crank bent.
I’m no expert but I know some pulleys can be rubber cushioned and therefore may appear wobbly especially if the rubber is on its way out!
I speak from experience with a Renault Trafic
It’s a CXHA no balance shafts so assuming it’s the rubber lined pulley. The pulley looks ok n condition from visuals but definitely not centred true.

Doubt it’s a bent crank. Wouldn’t that possibly cause the crank sensor to ping up.
Just did a quick google and it would appear that most cs pulleys are rubber damped.
FWIW I temporarily welded the Renault one while I was getting a new one (took some time finding one I could afford) and even with 3mm run out it didn’t cause a problem!
Just did a quick google and it would appear that most cs pulleys are rubber damped.
FWIW I temporarily welded the Renault one while I was getting a new one (took some time finding one I could afford) and even with 3mm run out it didn’t cause a problem!
I guess I’ll keep an eye on it and get it replaced at some point. No fault codes and engine runs fine. Just thought it can’t be good as it’s a fairly integral part of the engine driving the timing and aux section