So I've had an update. My local van dealer didn't return any calls and it dragged on for over two weeks.
I tweeted about it (not the details but just the fact that nobody returned my calls), within an hour I got a DM asking for my details, spoke to a lady, she said she was from the directors office. She said she would investigate and report back.
So she did some digging around and called back a couple of hours later, the info from the van centre wasn't passed through to anybody, so not surprising that they had no update, was fuming. Anyway, she said she would do some more digging.
Spoke to her a couple of days later, apparently someone in the body shop team had had a family bereavement, I understand I said, sorry to hear that, she mentioned that she would push things through.
Spoke to her earlier today, somebody has looked at it and because its a conversion its not covered, she said it was a panel van and as such, its not covered by the warranty, she said when the windows we're fitted it could have been knocked out of place.
Spoke to the conversion company and they said that the offer a one year conversion warranty and that I know to take it up with VW.
So really gutted, I guess this is a word of warning to anybody buying a panel conversion, VW will have you over a barrel with anything that could possibly be blamed on the conversion
Contacted the 3rd party company that my local dealer uses, over £700 if I took out the repairs myself.
Absolutely gutted.