Cleaning My Maf Sensor

I’ve got a P190D engine error code. So probably a dirty MAF sensor.

Is it an easy job to give it a clean myself with some MAF cleaner then reset the code with my OBD reader?
One thing that kills the MAF and the Lambda sensors is silicone spray. Its tempting to spray the hoses when reassembling them but you must not use it..
Ok, so is the sensor easy to access? And does the sensor spray work?
The van is still under warranty but this is an easy fix I’d rather do it myself.
How did you get that code? is that ODB generic code?

have you scanned with Carista or VCDS?

Did you get an engine yellow warning light?

Also remember VW assist will come to you if you are in warrenty and do a proper scan if you havent got access to either of the 2 above scanners.

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If it truly is MAF related, its worth giving it a go. new sensor about £80

and a general idea :

Cleans it with contact cleaner then rubs with it a duster... :eek:

Contact cleaner is fine, just let it evaporate away, no need to touch it:thumbsup:
agreed . . . . a much better idea of whats happening here >

any chance of a carista scan screen shot? . . . . . im not convinced that code is relating to the MAF?
Hi Dellmasive, that’s a really interesting. So after watching that video of the Canadian fella and his microscope camera I don’t think I should try to clean it especially given that it’s under warranty.

But it does raise the question why would mine have failed on a 2 year old van if it’s only hit with intake air and I’m not doing huge miles at all.
Am pretty sure I was told contact cleaner can distort the plastic round the MAF , so I always use MAF cleaner on my car as it doesn't affect the plastic but it is strange that it's needed cleaned at such low mileage
Contact cleaner is fine,

Be careful when saying "contact cleaner". This is a rather generic term and can include cleaners that contain contact lubricants and not just solvent.

Many cleaning solvents also leave deposits and certain ones are very harsh and can damage plastics. Isopropyl alcohol (IPA) does not leave any residue. I have no experience of 'MAF cleaners' so not sure what they are based on.
Be careful when saying "contact cleaner". This is a rather generic term and can include cleaners that contain contact lubricants and not just solvent.

Many cleaning solvents also leave deposits and certain ones are very harsh and can damage plastics. Isopropyl alcohol (IPA) does not leave any residue. I have no experience of 'MAF cleaners' so not sure what they are based on.
Very true, the WD40 brand contact cleaner is excellent for MAF cleaning, basically IPA with compressed air.

You can just use IPA in a squirty bottle but it might not have the same force to remove any debris.
Very true, the WD40 brand contact cleaner is excellent for MAF cleaning, basically IPA with compressed air.

You can just use IPA in a squirty bottle but it might not have the same force to remove any debris.
Thank you was cheap enough to just replace it