Clayton Power Pack


VIP Member
Completely new to this game , bought a LWB T6 , planing the conversion at the moment, thinking about using a Clayton Power Pack. No gas. Could I ask has anybody got one installed , how are you finding it, whats your set up , and most important where in the van did you install it ???
thks , Jeff
Can’t help with answering your questions. Am having one fitted by Vanworx when they can work.
I believe it will be fitted high up in the rearmost cupboard unit. If I was having a fixed RIB they would have fitted it under the RIB.
Hi Thks for your comments , good luck with the conversion, might I ask if you didn't go for a fixed rib what did you choose , I am debating RIB rails , slider , fixed , mines a LWB. Been looking at Clear Cuts (Devon) rail option - Jeff
Completely new to this game , bought a LWB T6 , planing the conversion at the moment, thinking about using a Clayton Power Pack. No gas. Could I ask has anybody got one installed , how are you finding it, whats your set up , and most important where in the van did you install it ???
thks , Jeff
That power pack looks really good ..If I’m right you can use solar/hook up/alternator to power it which will all work really well..but just as a back up I’d still consider using gas ..on cloudy days solar is slow to charge and at times electric hook up can trip and Leave you without power and you don’t want run the engine for long to charge your power pack..a simple backup stove is always helpful ;)
Hi Thks for your comments , good luck with the conversion, might I ask if you didn't go for a fixed rib what did you choose , I am debating RIB rails , slider , fixed , mines a LWB. Been looking at Clear Cuts (Devon) rail option - Jeff

I think Vanworx use the Altair RIB Caravelle rails.
Could I ask has anybody got one installed , how are you finding it, whats your set up , and most important where in the van did you install it ???

I’ve got a Clayton 2500w in my van.
I’m afraid I can’t give you any info on how it performs as I only got the van yesterday. The converter who fitted it said that providing you don’t go mad with your electric consumption, you would be able to wild camp for 3 or 4 days on it.
Mine is fitted in a cupboard behind the drivers seat.

Hi many thks for comments so far. My van getting roof done know , and a first fix electrics including the Clayton and insulation/carpets over next couple of weeks , will mount it temp for a month of so till can get van back in for furniture and bed ( if I can make up my mind ) . Let me know how the Clayton goes , what have you put in , I intend to put in an induction hob and a microwave , the intention being to use them when hooked up. We will only wild camp for a day or two at most , during which we will only use microwave briefly and kettle. I am putting a solar panel on roof to assist, Jeff
Let me know how the Clayton goes , what have you put in

I have a microwave, fridge and induction hob and I’m planning on using a domestic 240v kettle too.
Obviously with the current situation I haven’t been able to use the van yet, but as soon as I can I’ll be out for a weekend to see how it goes.
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I have a microwave, fridge and induction hob and I’m planning on using a domestic 240v kettle too.
Obviously with the current situation I haven’t been able to use the van yet, but as soon as I can I’ll be out for a weekend to see how it goes.
Hi again , interested to know your choice of appliances , hob , fridge , microwave , and bed arrangement, Mine is a LWB. I am putting a 3/4 bed in (112cm) . Not yet decided if fixed , sliding ( 200mm) or rails. I presume your worksurface is L shaped to accommodate the fridge and the Clayton unless you have a narrow fridge ?? Jeff
Hi Jeff.
You can see my van in the “Team Grey” section.
I haven’t got a clue what brands the appliances are sorry, the van is parked on my parents drive at the moment so can’t go out to have a look.
I do know that the bed is a Reimo 3000 on rails.
Also, I bought the van ready converted so the appliances were chosen by the converter.
Very nice indeedy. When you can wouldn't mind a pick or two of the interior layout if you would be so kind.
I have until mid Aug to make my mind up about my configuration so any 'ideas' I pick up on the way are a great help , thks , Jeff
Hi again , interested to know your choice of appliances , hob , fridge , microwave
I haven’t got a clue what brands the appliances are sorry, the van is parked on my parents drive at the moment so can’t go out to have a look.

I’ve been round to my parents this afternoon to line the drawers and cupboards with the anti-slip matting so had a look at the appliances.
The fridge is a Webasto Isotherm Cruise CR42.
There are no manufacturers markings on the induction hob so I can’t see who it’s made by, and I couldn’t get to the microwave as I wasn’t able to open the tailgate.
As soon as I can find out I’ll post here.
Very kind to let me know and for the pics , thanks , looks great.
Mine's a LWB and I am going to have a full height cupboard in the back.
I can see your Clayton is immediately behind the drivers seat , below the sink, then the fridge below the hob, where is the microwave ???
Cheers , Jeff
where is the microwave ???

The microwave is in the cupboard next to the fridge. Not ideal really because the only way of accessing it is to slide the seats as far forward as they will go, and then climb into the back through the tailgate. Wouldn’t be a problem with a LWB.
Hi, did you get a chance to look at the micro wave and the model ??
I am specing my furniture up at the moment and looking at the options for appliances , so that the elevations can be plotted out for cnc , trying to find stuff that I can build in , and doesn't have 'knobs' that the bed wood knock off !! Jeff
Hi Jeff, sorry, I did look but forgot to post. It’s a Panasonic microwave but I didn’t make a note of the exact model. I’ll try and have another look later.

I considered a Clayton pack when I was in discussions with three bridge campers about my conversion. Decided against as I considered it too much of a risk - if some thing went wrong... all your eggs in one basket so to speak. Also I wanted a higher AH.

I found it better to go the custom route!


I run this microwave:

and this coffee machine;

Thks for thoughts and link.
Yep realise might be narrowing my options , but have made the choice now. I have a neighbour with a big 3 axle van currently doing a DIY custom job , using 5 100Ah Lithium batteries , but he has the space ( and the need as its full of kit) . I thought the Clayton should give me what I want without compromising space which is at a premium in a T6 even a LWB. If you custom built , a imagine with a couple of batteries where did you end up putting the kit, one thing about the Clayton is its compact , Jeff