Carista battery drainage?

T6 LeeHam

T6 Pro
so, been having an issue with my t6 for a couple of weeks now. We've been having issues where the van will not start somedays, but be fine on others.

We've turned all interior lights to off, unplugged the step light, and made sure nothing is running off the 12v. Only thing that was left in was my carrista dongle into the obd2 port. Could this be the culprit?

The battery was a new bosch one at the start of the year, however, my partner did leave the keys in the ignition one night so we woke to a completely dead battery. Although it was deep charged and put back on and then no issues for several week afterwards.
I’ve noticed that my battery has been low when Carista is accidentally left plugged in. I just plug it in when needed now.

Leaving the Carista plugged in will drain the battery over time.

It will also trigger a fault code for "quiescent current too high"