So after a long time looking and thinking and more looking and thinking I took the plunge on a T6 earlier in the year and luckily before lockdown gathered up all the bits and bobs I was needing to get going.
Not got many before pictures but the base van is a base T28 and needed some TLC.
The previous owner had made an attempt at converting but to be honest made an arse of it so everything came out and started from scratch.
I'll let the pictures do the rest.
They are all over the shop and in no particular order as they didn't want to play ball.
Delighted to say I'm cuffed to bits so far and my old man has been a huge huge help as he's done most of it due to lockdown and the van being at my parents house just now.
Remaining things are to get the rock n roll bed out of storage and fitted and get the diesel hearer fitted then ready to go.
Not got many before pictures but the base van is a base T28 and needed some TLC.
The previous owner had made an attempt at converting but to be honest made an arse of it so everything came out and started from scratch.
I'll let the pictures do the rest.
They are all over the shop and in no particular order as they didn't want to play ball.
Delighted to say I'm cuffed to bits so far and my old man has been a huge huge help as he's done most of it due to lockdown and the van being at my parents house just now.
Remaining things are to get the rock n roll bed out of storage and fitted and get the diesel hearer fitted then ready to go.