Bilstein b14 help!


New Member
Looking at getting B14 on my T6 T30.
Insurance company will only allow 50mm maximum drop.
Is the 30-50mm coil over kit basically the same as the adjustable 40-70mm and worth the money?
I would swap to someone like A-Plan or Brentacre if i was you, they both have a good understanding of the modified vehicle scene. You'll probaly be suprised (in a good way) at the quote's you get too. :)
Admiral multi car.
Not looking at lowering it more than 50mm anyway but not good to be told you can’t
Looking at getting B14 on my T6 T30.
Insurance company will only allow 50mm maximum drop.
Is the 30-50mm coil over kit basically the same as the adjustable 40-70mm and worth the money?

I would advise you go for the later B14 Komforts, adjustable from 40-70mm. and set it at the highest to comply with your insurance. You’ll be very impressed with how it rides and worth the extra pennies over the standard kit. We keep it on the shelf and always happy to do a deal for postage or free fitting with Hunter alignment on site.

Admiral multi car.
Not looking at lowering it more than 50mm anyway but not good to be told you can’t

They said the same on my sons caddy. Their parameters are very strange for sure.
As an alternative to the original B14, or the B14 Komfort, you could consider the KW V1 kit. It's a beautiful kit, stainless steel front struts, exceptional quality, works from 35-65mm lowering, so your 50mm would be no problem. It's slightly more money than the original B14 kit, but it rides much better than the B14 and it's a good deal cheaper than the B14 komfort kit. The komforts ride very well too and it's hard to split the two on ride quality alone, but the saving on the KW V1 makes them great value for money.

I've got them on the shelf ready to ship, I can't fit them at the moment because the workshop is closed due to lockdown, but I can ship them for you to have fitted locally to you if that suits. They are a serious option worth giving serious thought before you spend your money on the Bilstein options.

Cheers, Chris.
Thanks Chris. There is a lot to consider. I should have bought a van all finished. :)
I don't think they're ever really finished!

Sorry Jim, I've just re-read your original post and realised it's a T30 van. I was discussing options for the T32.

For the T30 you could and probably should look at the ST-X kit. This is essentially the same as the KW V1, but it isn't stainless steel struts. It's manufactured by KW, but without the stainless steel to keep the costs down. The internals are all the same as the KW V1. It does everything the KW V1 does, but it's even cheaper and may even be cheaper than the original B14 depending on the seller. For a T30 there is virtually no competition to the ST-X when it comes to premium coilovers. I can get these for you also should they be your choice.


We hold all the kits on the shelf, and as an essential business are very much open, with demo vans on all kits. However I think distance may be a problem here, so can ship overnight.

Answering your original question on the Bilsteins and staying with the brand then the Komforts are excellent, and we fit many sets, although not the cheapest, but very much worth it, lowering form 40-70mm

However, as has been pointed out if you want to move away from Bilstein then the STX by KW are our go to suspension for T30 and under. Lowering from 35-65mm, although we an adjuster delete will go lower, but you don’t want low - but good to know.

We either of these kits you will be very happy, with the STX you will have approx £400 extra to spend on other upgrades :)

We fit upwards of 40 kits a month, so will be able to advise what will work best for you and if fitting is required, we include a full Hunter Elite alignment everytime - and is essential with all suspension work.

You won't be disappointed with any of these and ST-X exceptional value for money
Thanks for your replies folks. Too much for my little brain to take in at once. :)
Take some time to think about it Jim, but if you want any further advice, whether it leads to a sale or just helpful advice with no obligation, give me a call on 07791045464 and we can have a chat about the options.
Looking at getting B14 on my T6 T30.
Insurance company will only allow 50mm maximum drop.
Is the 30-50mm coil over kit basically the same as the adjustable 40-70mm and worth the money?
Caution here , First I have heard of an insurance company advising drop limits !!! ( in UK ) BUT this is a good thing , because we dont recognise T U V standards here in UK i think the insurance companies are just winging it , BUT too low isn't good it isn't safe sometimes . We have to keep a level head with this . ( and stop concentrating on the look )
If you have a Heavy van ( don't have the details ) the B 14 wont get up to 50 mm it will be lower than this at its highest setting , We have seen some of them at 70 to 80 mm with the adjusters all the way up , Sadly the companies selling these kits dont seem to acknowledge that this kit has limitations in some vans and occasionally not fit for purpose . There are better solutions available and they can do 35 to 50 mm comfortably with out stressing the springs out . Similar money as well .
A quality suspension kit is worth the Dollars all day long , its probably the most pleasing thing you can do to the Van . Get it wrong however it can be a nightmare . call the suppliers ( there are a few on here ) and chat to them you will quickly get enough information ( technical ) to help you decide what's the best thing to do .
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'We have seen some of them at 70 to 80 mm with the adjusters all the way up'

Yep - this is how my T32 SWB was on B14s.
I think pretty much all the B 14 s we have removed all sat below the advertised range of adjustment . ( All heavier spec vans or campers to be fair )
we removed one a few months ago with 1000 miles on and it was 90 mm down when it arrived and the client had been told that was the correct setting by the fitment centre ?? Fit for purpose ?? I don't think so , I certainly wouldn't have allowed the vehicle to leave my shop if i couldn't adjust it properly it would have been taken off >
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