2019 shuttle height 16" wheels

16, 17, 18" wheels should all have very similar overall diameters due the the different tyre profiles. So if you have standard suspension, the height of the van should be as stated in the handbook.

For reference, my Caravelle (20mm lower than a regular van) was 1960mm without roof bars.
16, 17, 18" wheels should all have very similar overall diameters due the the different tyre profiles. So if you have standard suspension, the height of the van should be as stated in the handbook.

For reference, my Caravelle (20mm lower than a regular van) was 1960mm without roof bars.
Thank you for your help

FYI my 2017 kombi went under 2m car park with roof bars (just) on standard suspension was tight though and was supervised under. Barrier said 2m I didnt measure it so just taken on face value