What Are They Worth?

Mate of mine did 2 legs on quigdao in the clipper round the world this year... Looked awesome. Think the applications for this year are open...
Don’t know if you or your family watched the documentary telling the story of how 24-year-old Tracy Edwards became the skipper of the first all-female crew to enter the Whitbread Round the World Race in 1989.

I only caught the last hour, Very interesting and inspiring for young women to follow their dreams.

Maiden .. War of the waves.
It’s will be on the BBC iPlayer.
Hi @Ghost,
Yes, we watched it a few months ago when it was on the telly, and have it saved on the BT box. 'Maiden' is a very impressive story, and my wife has the hard back book from 1989 when it happened, because back then was when she was a British Squad sailor herself. To think that they were considered a mockery when they left, yet won 2 of the 4 legs, says it all. Plus Tracey Edwards was then named yachtsman of the year.