The Crash Magnet...


Pukka Insurance
T6 Legend
so far its been one non fault, one fault and now a hit and run.


Fixed and finally ready to wrap.

Your not havingmuch luck there mate. :thumbsdown:
Sometimes you have a vehicle and this happens, I had a Ducati and attracted accidents, then when I sold it the new owner crashed it at the first roundabout. That is your 3 incidents now @PukkaT6 it will be plain sailing from now on :thumbsup:
Yup all good now going forwads Pukka, things happen in Three's! I too had a car which attracted incidents, 1st time reversed over bonnet at a junction by a builder called "Mike Hunt" second time exactly same reversed over by a 4x4 in car park by a lady called "Mrs Burke" and 3rd time written off by an idiot called Nick!

Nick :)
Na she's the bosses she just lets you drive it. ;)

Technically she is the lease companies ;)

I put some led bulbs from Halfords in and im sure its caused loads of fogging on the lense. Think Im going to just stick with the orange side and drls.