Tailored Van Blinds ? Anyone got these, reviews ?

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Tailored Van Blinds ? Anyone got these, reviews ?

These look great @Bigsidavies, do you have any behind-the-scenes pics showing how you made them, and any photos of the other blinds you could post up?
I’ve got some pics of them being made on my NAS drive-I’ll try to find them shortly.
Here’s a couple of them before I put the furniture in and then as they are now.
It’s literally 3.6mm ply cut using the original hardboard panels as a template with a cutout for the window and a blind screwed to the rear.
I had those exact size patio door type blinds made to my dimensions with the material fitted back to front because they are fitted on the outside of the panel rather than the inside if that makes sense. Cost me £50 each.C09557EB-B6B8-4CA3-8901-979986F5E254.jpegB6844487-DA10-4D42-A311-A4B625B9DFB0.jpegC53AB727-8A26-4DA3-8B1E-0C9FA40089AE.jpeg5AFE4E86-81C4-4025-AFFB-80EB27170080.jpeg
Thanks @Bigsidavies really helpful and they look really good. Great work!
I don’t have one on the tailgate because due to the amount of curve of the screen you end up with a letterbox type aperture. Have a look at the van shades ones and you’ll see what I mean.
We’d rather have the view so we just use a thermal blind that sticks on with suckers.
If you decide to do your own I’ll give you the contact details of the company that made mine. A small family firm who were mega helpful.
Agreed good work. @Bigsidavies do you think one could be made for the tailgate window, or would the curvature make it too difficult?
It could be made but the curvature creates quite a small blind area. It would be the same size blind as the van shades. They essentially look like a perfect fit blind encapsulated in a moulded frame. DIY route just fixes the blind to the rear of the ply board.
A year down the line I’ve just had to silicon the sliding door blind to the ply backing as it was loose and rattling. I think the constant door slamming caused this. Quick fix though.