T6.1 Electric tailgate not closing


New Member
Having issues with the electric tailgate on my 2022 LWB kombi, read other threads but they all seem to be the power latching not working. My tail gate opens every time on the button but 95% of the time the electric close won’t work but if you pull it down manually which is a pain to try and do once you get it down the power latch pulls it in and shuts it normally.

Not sure where the sensors are for the tailgate picking up on things around it to stop it closing if this could be the issue?

Anyone any ideas on what the issue could be?

Thanks in advance for any help

Pictures of van for reference.

Hi did you sort your rear door, I’ve got the exact same problem, mine won’t come back down on the button but it’s intermittent, I have observed when it faults it’s because it doesn’t slow down when reaching the top and this is when it faults! Have you resolved your issue ?

