Found T5 or T6 single seat base

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VIP Member
T6 Pro

I’m after a single seat base that I can use to mock up how the under seat electrics will fit in my T6.

Anything scratched, dinked, damaged or mangled will be fine, I need to be able to take it to the local Mens Shed where I will be spending a few weekends putting it all together.

If you have one you don’t want to sell that’s not currently being used I’m open to a rental arrangement for a couple of months. I’m in East Devon near Sidmouth and can collect in a 75 mile radius any evening or weekend.


Soz, I eventually bought two off eBay.

A black one (LHD with the handbrake bracket on the wrong side) that I've used to create a 100mm seat base rear extension mockup so I can fit more electrics under the seats. The other grey one is helping me with developing a 3D printed panel to square up the front of the seat base for a battery isolater and an Anderson plug. Grey one is going to be cut up to make the rear extension for the passenger side plinth.

Its slow going, but I am making progress :cool:
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