Safety Warning For Swivel Seats


Petrol power
VIP Member
T6 Guru
Just noticed this warning sticker fitted along with factory swivel seats. In case you were thinking of driving whilst facing backwards

Since you can’t use the seat belt when facing the rear it’s obviously illegal and totally daft to do so. Unlike the modular swivel seats that have built in belts....
I used to have a motor home and there was a sticker on the A pillar saying in was illegal to drive with the blinds shut. ha ha
Why's it ok to drive with the tailgate open when facing forward, but not backwards? I dont get it.:unsure:
Not sure why it’s illegal. You can sit that way on a coach or bus and they don’t all have seatbelts.
If you couldn't use the seat belt because the receiver was on the wrong side, there would be a legality issue there. Interesting though, as long as the seat was upright and held fast and located out of reach of the airbag, facing rearward in a frontal impact would be safer. However, If the seat back was reclined, regardless of wearing a seat belt or not, you could potentially depart via the front windscreen in a fashion that Eddie the Eagle would be proud of. :eek:
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has Anyone fitted the swivel captain single seats out of the back in the front? These have built in seat belts so legally you could sit in any orientation.
Not sure if it's illegal of not (I'll have to ask the vehicle seating team and / or the legal team here at work) but there are other things to consider, such as the immense amount of forwards and side vision you'll lose if you do choose to drive with the seat facing back to front, the integrity of the seat in a crash, it will have been degigned to withstand a frontal impact far greater than a rear end shunt so with the seat 'back to front' it will be much weaker in a front end shunt which invariablyhave the greater vehicle to vehicle closing speeds.