Perm Live, Or Switched Live From Central Fusebox In Dash


New Member
Anyone know if there's a permanent live in this fusebox? (I assume not) - no leisure battery at the mo
If not which is the switched live best to take a 12v supply off to usb chargers etc?

found this: "we added a fuse buddy to the 15amp fuse (middle row, second fuse down).... and down rated our new supply fuse to 5amps as it will only be powering the USB charger fore (sic) now."
so I guess that's the best bet - else I think I need to provide my own live from the battery, right?
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Centre row is ignition live that’s your best bet then no flat battery if anything is left plugged in
thanks. Are all those ignition live ones? (i.e. can I piggyback off an empty socket?)

I also want to run ride that has its own low voltage cutoff - so a perm live would be good if there's one there somewhere....