Panel Van To Kombi Dvla?


Hi just converted my panel van to a kombi, Iv kept the double bench in the front so it’s now a 6 seater, do I have to change the v5? Let dvla know if the changes?
i don't know if it is a full answer, but if you comply to what's in that page, then you can quote it, saying you did everything by the book
I would even print it and keep a copy so you can show it if changes (just my paranoia lol)
i would also inform/update insurance
Definitely inform your insurance, when I switched from the T5 (panel van) to a T6 (6 seater kombi), my insurance company wouldn't insure me because of the 6 seats.
Thats strange, I told my insurance it only had 2 seats and I'm insured for up to 8 passengers (including driver). o_O
So Zenith doesn’t insure converted vehicles and also don’t insure 6 seat vehicles. So they cancelled my policy. Went on go compare and done a quote with a change of vehicle details adding it has 6 seats and windows. All went through online and went with Adrian flux £400 for the year. I don’t get a phone call and it’s all gone through they’re end smooth.