I moved the van tonight, have done 3-400 miles over the last 2 days, I’ve noticed oil on the floor, I can’t really see nothing underneath? Have you got any suggestions?
I’m pretty gutted about it to be honest
Cheers guys
If you’ve got a plastic sump guard remove it.
Thoroughly de-grease the engine and wash it down.
Run the engine for a short time and look for a leak, if none visible run longer / go for a short drive.
Generally trying to accurately locate an oil leak on a dirty engine is harder than cleaning it,
You don’t say how much oil and whether it is black or clear?
EDIT: If it’s under warranty get it booked in for a check.
I moved the van tonight, have done 3-400 miles over the last 2 days, I’ve noticed oil on the floor, I can’t really see nothing underneath? Have you got any suggestions?
I’m pretty gutted about it to be honest
Cheers guys
Check your oil level, you don't know how much you've lost otherwise, the last thing you need now is to be driving it with insufficient oil in the sump or the oil light coming on when you're miles from anywhere.
Then, if you have the facilities, follow the good advice of @DXX.
@DXX its pretty black and about the size of a small saucer plate I’d say, @Insert Coin are you serious, that’s a bitof a joke at the amount of miles, mines 3.5 but 69k. I’ll try to see if I can locate it myself, taking off the plastic tray etc. And then see where I get, did you pay for your seal yourself or did the stealers honour it?
I bought me caddy brand spanking owned it for 6 years and never cost me a penny, losing faith in this t6 a little bit I can’t help but love it
If it does turn out to be the free end crankshaft seal check the next due date on the timing belt kit / water pump renewal.
It could offset a large part of the oil seal replacement cost
I had a slight weep from the crank end seal. Had it done at the same time as the cam belt. I wouldn’t have known it was leaking but for a mist of oil on the undertray below the pulley.
Ok, look guys I took the van in last year because of the squeal that was coming from one of the pulleys on the cambelt,turns out,they replace the pulley and they replaced the cambelt at the same time. I checked today and phoned Vw to ask them what parts was used during the recall, and they did confirm that the cambelt was replaced I’m sure I had a touch there, but having said that if there was a leak around that area then I’m gonna be none the wiser.
I do hope it’s only this seal as so to speak.
I appreciate all your input guys
Ok, look guys I took the van in last year because of the squeal that was coming from one of the pulleys on the cambelt,turns out,they replace the pulley and they replaced the cambelt at the same time. I checked today and phoned Vw to ask them what parts was used during the recall, and they did confirm that the cambelt was replaced I’m sure I had a touch there, but having said that if there was a leak around that area then I’m gonna be none the wiser.
I do hope it’s only this seal as so to speak.
I appreciate all your input guys
Make sure you get an itemised receipt when work is carried out (part # and description) with VIN / reg #, milage / date, reason for the work.
More likely the squealing was from the auxiliary belt not the cam belt??
I’d hope for something far cheaper than the crankshaft seal if I were you.
Yes indeed you are right, but they did say that they replaced the cambelt? Do I believe, some part of me does, what’s your opinion?
To be totally honest @DXX I’d rather it be something that others had suffered from? How much you think for the parts for that?
I’ve got my mechanic coming next Tuesday
Make sure you get an itemised receipt when work is carried out (part # and description) with VIN / reg #, milage / date, reason for the work.
More likely the squealing was from the auxiliary belt not the cam belt??
I’d hope for something far cheaper than the crankshaft seal if I were you.
The seal and seal housing will be cheap compared with the labour.
Did you clean the engine to locate the leak? Seems to be a bit of assumption about this seal failure?
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