Not sure what front end I need…


New Member
I was hoping to achieve the front end look as in the picture from veedubz below. But when I compare my bumper, it looks like mine is one single bumper from the vw badge down. Can anyone advise what I need?
Pretty sure Veedubz will advise you and if there are any problems you won’t have an issue if you’ve consulted the vendor directly.
Yea thanks I messaged them let’s see. After some more research I have reason to believe I need this though:

You just need a sportline splitter to achieve the look your after.
The sportline kit you have posted from Veedubz is the correct kit to buy, but please ensure they confirm this for your year and model.

It fixes over your original bumper. You do not need to remove your bumper to replace it for the look you're trying to achieve, you simply fix the sportline bumper over the top of yours.

I have a 2015 T5.1, my bumper started life the same as yours. The sportline kit you buy, then remove the fog light surrounds and the sportline bumper fixes over the top.