I've noticed that when corning at low speeds there seems to be quite a grumble from the front (easily noticeable when turning left). Admittedly this could simply be heavy "car" with weight very bias on the front but I thought worth an ask if it's normal before asking the dealer.
Considering it's size it's pretty quite to drive so the odd weird noise just stands out a bit. Rear tailgate was making a squeak but a little bit of grease on the catch solved that
Apart from a flutter/light rattle in the dash and the front noise it's great can't ever imagine not having one now!
Considering it's size it's pretty quite to drive so the odd weird noise just stands out a bit. Rear tailgate was making a squeak but a little bit of grease on the catch solved that
Apart from a flutter/light rattle in the dash and the front noise it's great can't ever imagine not having one now!