Up until recently, the only monthly subs I paid was for Office 365. I'm now a happy subscriber of Beer52. Nice beers, good value. Looks like they make it difficult as and when you want to cancel however if you read the reviews.
Buoyed on by the positive experience of this, I signed up to Pact coffee. The product was bland and I didn't think very good value, so cancelled that one quick.
Signed the children up to kits from KiwiCo. Very good, but they're losing interest (I'm not!), and it all comes from the US so probably won't renew after the six month term.
Can anyone recommend any useful stuff or experiences in the new world of monthly stuff delivered to my door ?
Mods:- I have no connection or commercial relationship with Beer52 or KiwiCo. Just posting based on my experience.
Buoyed on by the positive experience of this, I signed up to Pact coffee. The product was bland and I didn't think very good value, so cancelled that one quick.
Signed the children up to kits from KiwiCo. Very good, but they're losing interest (I'm not!), and it all comes from the US so probably won't renew after the six month term.
Can anyone recommend any useful stuff or experiences in the new world of monthly stuff delivered to my door ?
Mods:- I have no connection or commercial relationship with Beer52 or KiwiCo. Just posting based on my experience.