So, the battery failed on me 4 times, and VW still insist on having their dealers do “tests”.
The last time, I had finished a survey on top of Mendip. Phoned local dealer about my appointment the following day for the tests, and went to start and nothing, with their service department actually on the phone. So, phoned VW Assist and insisted on a VW engineer as opposed to third party, including AA (who had started the van 2 days earlier).
He turned up 2 hours skies and views to Wales so not too bad a place to be stuck...and new exactly what was what. My van was built in March 17 and was smack in the middle of the dodgy batch it seems.
He fitted a new Varta battery and re did what resets were necessary and hunky dory....but what a faff from VW.
Next van will be a Sprinter, not a VW.
The last time, I had finished a survey on top of Mendip. Phoned local dealer about my appointment the following day for the tests, and went to start and nothing, with their service department actually on the phone. So, phoned VW Assist and insisted on a VW engineer as opposed to third party, including AA (who had started the van 2 days earlier).
He turned up 2 hours skies and views to Wales so not too bad a place to be stuck...and new exactly what was what. My van was built in March 17 and was smack in the middle of the dodgy batch it seems.
He fitted a new Varta battery and re did what resets were necessary and hunky dory....but what a faff from VW.
Next van will be a Sprinter, not a VW.