Indicator CAN emulator


wondered if anyone can help... we are trying to use the indicator feeds as 'triggers', unfortunately the voltage is not stable (drops to as low as 4V). We can use a pulsed 12V, as a trigger, but not as low as 4V. We have utilised a CAN emulator for a radio upgrade (ignition etc), but this didn't include indicators. Has anyone heard of a CAN emulator for the indicators? (Or any other suggestions).
What is this indicator trigger for?
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For a Monitor (to view a side camera) - the monitor takes pulsed inputs (i.e. from an indicator), but 'needs' 12V.
There is plenty of ways to do that.
I would use Solid State Relay with capacitor. Connect control side of SSR(input) to indicator pulses and SSR output to your monitor with capacitor connected(e.g. 1000uF) in parallel.

A bit of related info.

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Hi again, just tried it and the capacitor 'latches' for too long, so the side camera stays on for around 15s (with indicator off)... guess we can try a smaller capacitor? (Not sure that we need the relay?) Thanks
Yeah you need to experiment with smaller capacity, your monitor must be putting very small load.
You may have interesting behaviour of your indicators if you won't use the SSR.
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Thanks again for the advice/explanation (every day is a school day) and will post the outcome/final solution (will need to order some more components)...
Good Morning Robert, the components haven't arrived yet, so in the meantime we have changed the BCM Byte 19 to 'off' (unticked / PWM off), as per your link / background information and it worked/cured the indicator trigger issue, thanks. We are also utilising the Reverse Trigger and had similar issues, which we resolved with a Capacitor/Diode/Resistor... just wondered if it's possible to also switch off any settings in the BCM, as the indicators?
Thanks again.
Everything is possible :cool:.
The power of PQ25 :whistle:

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Long shot... just trying to do the same thing (find/connect triggers) on a T7 - does anyone know anything that may help?