I Bought the wrong Victron Orion- TR Smart B2B charger


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T6 Pro
So it came to installation day for putting my electrics in the van and it got to the stage of installing the Victron Orion Smart Charger.

It turns out I bought an 'isolated' version rather than a 'non-isolated' version. Looking at the spec on the website I bought it from, it says that 99% of installations wold use the non-isolated version, but tit is possible to use the isolated version in the same way.

The nonisoalted just has one black lead going from the negative to the common earth. The isolated version has a negarive on both the input and the output. DO I need to provide a connection to both negatives? If so, where shouldI connect them to?

I hope you can help

Many thanks

Connect both negs to a common earth (busbar, van point etc) and problem solved. It’s covered in the Victron instructions (or website, I can’t remember exactly).
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Thats fine you can use either.

On the isolated version, just connect both negs to the same chassis point.
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