Heaters Inconsistent - normal?


T6 Pro
Hi all,

does anyone else find that their heaters blow different temperatures depending on the direction of the blower?
I’ve been struggling lately to maintain a nice cab temperature and find it’s either to warm or cold and while fiddling I noticed the different temps.
I usually set the temp half way between the coldest 17 and the mid of 22 but it’s either to warm or too cold. What I’ve noticed is if I leave the temp alone and only change the direction, the temp changed massively.

When set to windscreen a small amount of air comes out the forward vents and out the side of the dash towards the side windows, this air is hot. If I then change it to forward only the air comes out cold. Haven't changed the temp dial.

has anyone else noticed this? I can’t seem to work it out in my head how it can change temperature when only the direction of the blowers move.

cheers Jon
I think this is a common thing on the T6, mine certainly do this and I'm sure I've seen other people say the same. If I set the temp at say 22 and have the dial pointing to the screen the air coming out of all vents is hot. Screen/feet and it's cooler, Feet only and it's cooler again, vents only and it's hotter again.

I tend to leave the temp set the same all the time and just play with the vent dial until I get something comfortable, which is a bit counter intuitive, but it works for me.
I think it is supposed to work this way. If you put the air onto the windscreen, then the system assumes you want to demist, and supplies hot air to the screen as this demists best. My wife’s Ford Fiesta puts the aircon on too, if you direct air to the screen.

I wonder if the presence of a bulkhead makes a difference?

My 8 seater has the extra heater in the back with its own temp / fan controls and think this helps get the whole space warmed up rather than the dashboard heater doing all the work.

That said, the dashboard outputs seem inconsistent. Mine currently left on 22 - any lower and it doesnt get warm, higher and its stifling. Only 2 months into ownership so still learning its quirks!

As mentioned above, this is a fairly common gripe on here this time of year.
I keep my directional dial at the 9 o-clock position and find that to be the only place it gives the best control over heat. It's rather annoying in any other position because like you say, it's either hot enough to roast a chicken, or cold enough to freeze one.
Cheers all,
Glad it’s a normal feature and not something that would warrant a visit to vw
So pleased I read this I thought I was going mad on a round trip to Nottingham from Newcastle, the vent to the right of the stereo is cold and the vent to the left of stereo is melting my hand, temp set to 18??

But I did have it set to windscreen demist so probably that, my lass was not impressed!
If I have mine set to feet and without touching any controls, turn left, its cold, but then turn right and its hot????!!!o_O