Found h7's for THQ v3's

T6 LeeHam

T6 Pro
Wanting to swap my THQ v3's for a set of h7s with cash my way.

Based worcs way, but happy to travel an hour/hour and half.
Loads better. The lights are designed for halogens, so LEDs don't project light onto the inner reflector evenly. HIDs project light through 360 degree, like a halogen bulb, so are much better suited and perform much better.

You can use LEDs in the inner main beam reflectors as light scatter isn't so much of an issue.
Are they really that much better?
I put HID's in my V2's and they're very good indeed.
I can't take any credit, I was following advice I read on this forum.
Have a browse, use the search facility to search HID, here's one for starters;

HID's in the projector may not be MOT compliant, mine passed without mention, as have others.