Fuse box terminal types - mini fuse


Senior Member
T6 Guru
I need some mini fuse crimps for my fuse box.
Does anyone know what they are called?
The one I had that does not fit is this one so I need to find a crimp to replace it.

The other one that does fit is similar to this but I am not 100% if this one linked will work. Does anyone have a link to one that looks like this and will fit our fuse boxes?
I’ve just put connectors into the fuse box below the gear lever for the smaller type fuses and they were the same as the speaker connectors.
are you sure they fitted 100%? The one I fitted slide in and clicked but when I put the fuse in it move it out so it wasnt a good connection. The other one from a retrofit kit I got has the one in the 2nd link and it fitted perfectly with no movement. Might be a year thing.