Fantastic Minimal Design

Sorry I hate to question what is someone else’s pride and joy but just my thoughts

Nice, and I do really admire the overall design but really there are a couple of irritating parts, how long before the baggy curtains catch fire.
Space is always a premium in a bus so ....2 shelves for books?
Love the style of the cupboards but where is the worktop space, the tap looks fixed.

Looks like whoever designed it has not used it for the purpose intended.
I like the colour scheme, materials and shape of the units, very classy. It's not minimalist though, that term seems to have been reduced to "it's got wood in it".
As above, the lack of workspace and huge hob and fixed tap suggests it's been made to be arty and appear in magazines rather than actually being used as a camper. And good luck keeping that matt black exterior looking good.

As a design exercise it works though just like the original California XXL concept, in that as a whole it doesn't work but everyone can take away one or two design elements that they'd like to use.
Ah. He's got same idea with his control panel that I'd like to incorporate. Proper old school Lancaster bomber clunky toggle switches. Anyone know where you can get the panel printed with the switch labelling though.

Looks so much nicer than sticking on bits of dymo tape.
Ah. He's got same idea with his control panel that I'd like to incorporate. Proper old school Lancaster bomber clunky toggle switches. Anyone know where you can get the panel printed with the switch labelling though.

Looks so much nicer than sticking on bits of dymo tape.
Dyno tape would look old school too, you could by inkjet sticky label paper and print something up and punch out the holes?