Fan running high speed after normal driving


Tyre testing and development
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T6 Guru
Hi Guys

not noticed it before but my van is very new less than 500 miles

the fan runs on a really high speed after normal driving when I get out, the temp gauge is normal and VCDS seems to think its 85c when showing 90c

any ideas?

Its pretty normal mate it happens if the van has been doing a dpf regen while you were driving and you turn the engine off before it has completed the regen or finished cooling down, they run on for a bit to finish the cooling process - you will prob also notice a bit of a burning smell (normally smells like burning rubber) but this tends to settle down as the miles go up
Great thanks I could smell rubber type smell

It will have 3000 miles in one hit next month on its way to Lapland so I don’t want any issues with it!
It’s quite unnerving but hopefully not an issue
Happens randomly seems you can drive weeks and then several times in a few days when parking up it comes on. I don’t take any notice it’s just doing it’s thing
I’ve just clocked up 25k and I get this quite a lot even on short cold day journeys. I get the burning rubber smell occasionally too and have jacked her up on the ramps to have a look but seen nothing out of the ordinary. Have had my local VW dealer check it over too. I think its just a T6 thing.
Just noticed the same thing on a 2018 150bhp T6 that I recently bought 2nd hand with 45k miles on the clock. Reassuring to read the opinions here - thanks.
My 2019 has done 30,000. Had a minor service at VW the other day and since then the fan over runs when turned off after every journey.

I assume they did an oil change and was worried they hadn't put enough in, which I'll check but this thread gives me some confidence. Thanks