Wanted DSG Illumination Pcb wanted


VIP Member
T6 Pro
Guys, My DSG illumination pcb is totally knacked. Has anyone got one for sale by chance or know where I can get one? Does anyone know the correct part number for one? I have seen some for sale on Ebay but not sure if they are the correct part.

Thanks for any help
I ended up buying a complete new genuine gear knob from Ebay for £250 which turned out to be for a left hand drive vehicle so instead of replacing the complete assembly as intended I just swapped the illumination parts over and all was well because they were a straight swap and just clicked into place.
It is a very expensive way of doing it but I had hunted for two years for a second hand part without success and although it doesn't matter if they don't illuminate it was doing my head in every time I drove at night.
No doubt someone will know a far cheaper way of doing it but it is the best I could do and I can now sleep at night.
Thank you ever so much, think I'm going to try and solder it first with a steady hand, then purchase a new one will be my fall back