Changing a Westfalia detatchable swan neck to standard towball


Not a conversion
T6 Pro
I've got a Westfalia detachable towbar on my T6, but I want to be able to attach an Easy Lifter to be able to take a motorbike with me. This attaches to a standard plate in replacement for the towball, so that won't work with the detachable bar.

Anyone know if there's an easy way to swap these over?

Looking at the pf Jones website the main part is one piece so it’s all got to come off I’m afraid
Just fitted the 13 pin electrics to my westfalia detachable tow bar and the bracket is slotted so you should be able to remove the three bolts holding the socket and ease the wiring out of the way. Its bumper off and three bolts each side for the westfalia bar. Just find one that suits the motorbike carrier and swap over. You’ll be able to sell the detachable one. 2 maybe 3 hours tops to swap the bar.